Brand New Neighbors

June 11th, 2014

Today we rejoice in God’s creation. Our newest neighbors were a welcomed sight walking by my office window this morning.



Observations of Small Town Living (OOSTL)

June 9th, 2014

Out in the sticks where speed limits are generally higher, and critters are more plentiful, no amount of window cleaner can keep up with the bugs. The camera actually did a good job at hiding the opacity of the bug juice on the windshield.
2014-06-08 18.24.23

Be yourself… or not?

June 9th, 2014

These two signs are in our local public school. The underlying message is that you can be whomever you want to be. That’s fine, but the Bible says that the heart of man is wicked!

2014-06-08 11.12.36

Be yourself… or not?

2014-06-08 11.12.25


Observations of Small Town Living (OOSTL)

June 2nd, 2014

When the North Idaho Federated Republican Women were brainstorming for ideas of who will be their next speaker, I have a feeling the same folks who named the organization came up with this one, “Hey, let’s get the country coroners to come in and tell stories and highlights of their jobs.” I really do think the topic will be very interesting and only wish I were a member for NIRFW.



Observations of Small Town Living (OOSTL)

June 2nd, 2014

Upon entering church today we were greeted by this display of beautiful tomato plants. I know that people all over the world share stuff, but in small towns there’s a prominence of agricultural items. These are from one of the most experienced and successful (when measured in plant growth) gardeners I’ve ever met. Thank you Marilyn!


Observations of Small Town Living (OOSTL)

March 24th, 2014

Trees grow like weeds in most places around here. I guess technically they are weeds when they grow where you don’t want them to. However, they’re a little more difficult to get rid than your average suburban dandelion. (Click images to enlarge)

Enter, The Biggest Weed Whacker In The World! This beast eats trees and turns them into mulch.

wacker.01 wacker.02


Here’s a shot of a street near home. You can what this beast can do by comparing the two sides of the street. wacker.03


A very bad day.

March 17th, 2014

People often ask me what I do for a living. Here’s a day in my life.

Another day, another program.

Another day, another program.

A server migration is a very stressful process. In an effort to make some dramatic improvements, you have to move hundreds of websites, email, databases, software and other stuff off of one server and install all of this onto another. No matter how much planning you do, something, somewhere, at some time, is going to break, but you won’t know what until after the fact. Sometimes weeks later. Sometimes the issues trickle in. That’s good. Sometimes, it’s a firestorm of angry clients. That would be really bad and something you want to avoid. So, you do a lot of planning, documenting, testing and more testing… for weeks. You get little sleep and no matter how many hours you work in a month, it’s never enough.

During the actual migration, there are thousands of moving parts being juggled in the air. If one is dropped, bad things happen. The stress level and amount of information overload is so high that you must have notes of the simplest processes. I have notes that sound like, “Press the A key, breath in, press the B key and read the line the comes up on the screen. Now exhale.”

Because I run a small company, I’m also multitasking and answering phones, and technical support requests from clients while all this is going on.

In the middle of this, one of the servers I’m working on got hacked.

I got a notice that email was being sent out from one of the servers I received as part of a company purchase. This server is managed by a software package called DirectAdmin. Until a month ago, I’d never even heard of DirectAdmin. Now I’m running a company with it and I’m still learning how it works. I logged in expecting the usual experience of tracking down and stopping the spammer without breaking a sweat. Boy was I wrong.

At first it looked like an email box was compromised and that I had to just change the password on that box to stop this guy. Then it dawned on me that there were dozens of accounts on dozens of domains that were sending spam. It wasn’t going to be a typical spammer day. The hunt turned up some logs that showed that someone with admin level access was creating email boxes all over the server. I changed the password for “admin” to stop this person from doing further damage.

To stop the hemorrhaging I shut down the mail server only to find it started up again a minute later. I rightly assumed DirectAdmin was turning the mail server back on. Without the time to try to figure out how to stop that, I did the next best thing. I wrote a script that killed the mail server every 15 seconds. I then cleared the mail queue of thousands of emails.

Now the problem was, how to figure out the names of all the bogus email accounts this person had created. It didn’t take too long to figure out that he was using a bot to create the email addresses and, thankfully, that he wasn’t very creative. He only used about 12 different email box names across many accounts. The good news is that he used names that were uniquely misspelled such as “servises” and “ofice”. Now I had to find out where DirectAdmin stored these addresses and if there was a way for me to stop this guy from logging into them. With a little help from the previous owner I found the password files and set about a script that would delete only the unique users from these files.

What should have been a straight forward script turns out to be quite a challenge when your heart is racing at 100 miles per hour. A few quick tests of the script to debut it and I let it loose on the accounts. It deleted over 900 email boxes. I was able to turn the mail server back on and there was no more spam leaving the server. It wasn’t over yet.

I started getting some tickets requesting help from clients who couldn’t access their email boxes. Upon review I found that the password files had zero bytes in them. My script had a bug in it that deleted all the user’s email boxes from the password file. Very thankful that I followed the system administration rule number 1 that says, before you delete something from a file, back it up first. I was able remove the bug and get email flowing properly again using the backup files.

I have to give credit to the hacker. The hacker was really good in how this all worked. Without the modest programming skills this would have taken about 15 hours to fix. As it was, it took less than 2. I give God the glory for encouraging me to learn some programming.

Shortly after this I get back to focusing on the migration only to hear from our migrations team that they are having trouble moving certain clients to the new server.

The moments that I get to stop and breath are often spent in prayer.

First Spring Robin – there’s hope!

March 6th, 2014

I know spring is coming when I see my first robin. To me this means that winter is on the wane.


Observations Of Small Town Living (OOSTL)

February 24th, 2014

I suppose people in cities and suburbs talk a lot about traffic. In rural America, we do to… kind of. Here’s a text conversation I had with my wife last week. She starts the conversation by telling me she won’t be home when I arrive as she’s heading to town. And then the traffic reports begin. (note: please excuse the typos. The cause of which is not the operator’s fault.)


When I got to the aforementioned location of the road block I found this young moose at the end of our driveway.


I doubt that moose are often mentioned in traffic conversations unless you live in a small town in rural America.

Moose Illustration

February 16th, 2014

Shortly after moving into our new home I photographed this guy in our back yard. I really enjoy illustrating the experience.


(Click to enlarge)

Kids’ Artwork

February 12th, 2014

I have the chance to visit a local elementary school fairly regularly. I enjoy the artwork that lines the halls. I hope you do to.

One of these kids is a very non-conventional thinker. Reminds me of me. (click images to enlarge)


Is it just me, or is there a teacher that missed the red flag here?

Water Repellent, because you never know.

February 12th, 2014

Living in a forest means being prepared for whatever wild beasts may come. These things are dangerous. So, a can of bear repellent as well as Heavy Duty Water Repellent are a must.


Butterfly (in progress)

February 8th, 2014

After reviewing the original back ground that I’d drawn, I realized it needed a lot of work. So, I submit this without a back ground for now.  It turns out that he wings of this creature are much more complex than some blotches as I first thought when I selected it. The flowers are “supposed to be” fuzzy, but I haven’t figured out a technique for this (yet). Still practicing.

Click images to enlarge.


(The original photo)



Mr. Urkey, first name, Tom.

January 30th, 2014

Turkey illustration. Here’s the final artwork followed by my photo. Click image to enlarge.


Mixed Media – Peanut the cat!

January 22nd, 2014

I had the presence of mind to take a few snapshots of the process of creating this image. Starting with the photo. (click to enlarge). This was really fun because it gave me the “illusion” that I was spending time with my cat. As if that’ll ever happen. My tablet computer has reduced 30 lbs of art supplies down to about a pound.

sketch00 sketch01 sketch02 sketch03 sketch04 sketch05 sketch06
