Observations of Small Town Living (OOSTL)

Voting small town style – Based on our past experience in the burbs of Chicago, we met November 4th with some trepidation. After all, our driver’s licenses had our old address on them. No worries, we gathered up our old bills and found a utility bill and our mortgage statement to prove our address, and of course that voter registration verification form. What a dissappointment it turned out to be.

There were no metal detectors. No cops. No getting frisked. No need for that voter verification, utility bills. Not even our drivers licenses. We didn’t even stand in line.

Walk in, say name, sign paper, confirm address… and they give you a ballot. Vote (only about 12 choices), turn in ballot, leave. It was so uneventful that we looked at each other and laughed as if we’d gotten away with something.

Dear Illinois, it can be different. Really.

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