Observations of Small Town Living (OOSTL)

Scat! When you move to a rural town from a bigger city, there are things that life and your mother didn’t prepare you for. You learn to identify new dangers, new past times, new tools, and new toys. And then there’s the wild life. Much of which is nocturnal. The only way you know “something” has been on your property is foot or hoof prints and scat. So what does moose scat look like? These are the things one has to learn. Until someone points to something and say, that’s it, you’re not really sure. Better yet, when I asked a friend to identify what I though was some bear scat she emphatically says, “Oh no. That’s a constipated deer. I’ve seen that a lot near my house.” The funny part is that she had a picture of bear scat and didn’t hesitate to send me via email. So, if you’re wondering, here’s a picture. Just click to view it in detail.

Comment – You can tell when this picture might have been taken? – Looks like huckleberry season.

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