My quick check up on a tooth that had been bothering me turned into an emergency root canal. If that isn’t bad enough, I also got to enjoy a bite block, dental dam and sunglasses. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass without sharing a picture. Sure, you can click this to enlarge it.
Archive for September, 2011
Emergency Halloween Costume
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011Who’s that sleeping in our yard?
Thursday, September 22nd, 2011On the day that a friend was heading back to Chicago, he got a good look at a visitor in our yard. Apparently this visitor spent the night. This shot was taken before sunrise is at about 200 feet, so it’s bury and I had to lighten it quite a bit. Near by is a momma and a baby moose.
I guess he didn’t like us gawking at him so he got up.
And the next thing you know, he ran buy the window. I still had the zoom lens on the camera. The effect is cool as he really did look as scary as the image. Soon the reason for his presence became clear. The cow moose ran away with baby in tow followed by the bull who was yelling “pick-up” lines to the female. It’s that wonderful time of year when babies are made.
My new girl brings me gifts
Monday, September 12th, 2011There’s a new girl in my life. Yes, I confess. She’s been visiting almost daily. Sometimes 3 times a day. Until recently, she seemed like one of those girls that just takes without giving back. But alas, after weeks of giving her sunflower seeds, she’s finally given me something in return. I’m not sure what to do with this gift, but I think it raises our relationship to a whole new level.
Bench v.2.0
Monday, September 12th, 2011Using a huge piece of cedar (kindly provided by John K.), I was able to finally create version 2.0 of the wood benches used by the fire pit. The originals were just a test and were never designed to be permanent. They worked well enough to create version 2.0.
Hey, come on down and sit a spell.
Monday, September 12th, 2011After 17 years, the Rockin-B is closing. Thanks to some friends we didn’t miss it. The Rockin-B-Ranch is a dinner show and wonderful family entertainment.